Kamis, 31 Juli 2014

How Google SEO Changes Hurt Ebay's Quarterly Revenues

By Nazar Bryant

Whenever someone tries to game the system, specifically in regard to Google and their search engine, the winner is almost always Google. This is true in regard to the latest news regarding eBay and how it fell short of quarterly earnings in the second quarter. Despite making almost $4.4 billion, which was expected, Google plans to maintain specific algorithm changes that will affect eBay and its current SEO business practices. It could simply be that pages on eBay are very thin, thus meriting a lower ranking in the search, but nothing has been definitively said.

It is said that eBay plans to spend more money on Google advertising, but this is probably just to appease the Google gods. They have publicly stated that paid advertising is not effective at all for larger businesses, and therefore it is doubtful that this is the direction they will actually go in. The use of organic listings has brought more revenue in for eBay, but not to the core site itself as of late. There was also the security breach that happened, effectively causing a global password reset to occur, which may play a role in the lack of quarterly earnings.

It's sad that when eBay starts to lose business when they've been doing good SEO practices for as long as they've been around. Their site has been a cornerstone of online buying and selling for quite some time, so when they hurt it hurts their customers as well. When you consider that they're losing a few cents per purchase or more just because their results are getting buried, it's pretty sad that other companies that aren't as established are snapping these sales up. In the end, it's best if Google were to look at their relationship with eBay and cut them some slack!

Once you have a good look at what Google does to SEO and how it harms businesses like eBay, you can really start to see that it's a legitimate concern. Hopefully Google will learn to start working at this and stop hurting people in the process. In the quest to stop people from abusing the system, it's starting to hurt those that don't.

As everyone knows, eBay is one of the largest avenues on the web. The size of the company, in most cases, will determine whether or not a company can bend the rules, so to speak, when it comes to search engine optimization. Google is known for favoring larger companies, especially those that use Google Adwords, paying the search engine giant billions of dollars in advertising to stay in their good graces.

Although eBay has stated that it will advertise more with Google, it has never said that Google Adwords was a viable form of generating revenue. In fact, it is blatantly stated that it doesn't work, especially for the name brand products that are offered on the online auction giant. This should prove to be interesting over the next few months as Google and eBay hash things out. With quarterly earnings down, they will have to make a significant comeback to balance their books. We shall see what happens the third quarter of 2014.

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