Senin, 24 Juni 2019

Useful And Essential Facts About Insulation Tester

By Barbara Morgan

Under perfect conditions, current that is allowed to pass through a conductor is supposed to go all the way through to the destination intact. However, given that there are no perfect conditions, current leakage occur and electrical energy is lost along the way. This happens for different reasons. Resistant sheathing is usually used to clad conductors in order to try and prevent or minimize the loss of electrical energy due to leakage. This is worth knowing about Insulation tester.

In some cases, imperfections in cladding material allow current to leak and get lost to the surrounding. The leaking current can cause a lot of problems to the machinery and electrical circuits. That is why in order to maintain safety, the cladding needs to be tested on a regular basis. Doing this helps to identify problems before they cause equipment failure or harm people who handle the equipment through electrocution.

This testing process is done using a pieces of equipment referred to as an cladding tester. The equipment tests the integrity of the cladding by measuring its resistance to the flow of current across it. If the cladding is of high quality, it means that very little current will escape through it. On the contrary, if the cladding offers very little resistance, then a higher amount of current will flow across it.

When measuring the quality of material used to make the sheath, different kinds of current are tested. Absorption, leakage and capacitive currents are the three main types of current tested. The current that occurs immediately when voltage is applied to conductors is referred to as capacitive current.

Capacitive current can be equated to the volume of water that comes out of a pipe immediately a tap is opened. Once the tap is opened, water usually flows out at a higher rate but as the pipe gets filled with water completely, the rate drops rapidly. For the case of a conductive material, the amount of current flow drops once the conductor becomes fully charged.

Just like capacitive current, absorption current initially flows in large amount before dropping. However, the rate at which absorption current drops is much lower compared to that of capacitive current. Potential energy is stored in the cladding making the flow of absorption current to drop gradually. When testing the cladding of a material using time resistance method, absorption current is a very important aspect.

Conduction current is the other name used for leakage current. This current is present through and over the cladding and it is small and steady in nature. The increase in leakage current implies deterioration of the cladding over time as well. In insulation test meter, the rise in leakage current is indicated as a reduction in resistance.

The market today is filled with a wide variety of cladding testers. Manufacturers are located in various countries worldwide. Different manufacturers make products that have different levels of quality. Similarly, the applications that different products are used for vary. One should be careful with their choice because there are residential, commercial, and industrial testers in existence.

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