Kamis, 19 November 2015

How To Make Money While Being A Mom

By Mattie Knight

Being a parent is an important job and one which you want to do right. However, raising a family is expensive, and having both parents bringing in money is very helpful. Knowing how to make money while being a mom or a dad without sacrificing time and energy spent on family affairs is something many people are interested in today.

Of course, you can do what many do and that's get a job. Lots of families have both parents working, sometimes even full-time. There is also the part-time option, when one parent will work when the children are in school, or when one parent works days and the other works nights. However, there is little doubt that the family suffers when both parents work outside the home.

If you have children at home, you can take in the children of others who are working full-time. This gives your children playmates and brings in extra money while you pretty much do what you would be doing anyway. This can be both exhausting and confining, but so is any job. After all, you take eight hours plus out of your day if you go out to work in an office.

In the computer age, there are more options open to stay-at-home moms or dads. People buy and sell online and earn ten thousand dollars a year or more. This is not a lot, but there are no commuting costs, no need for a special work wardrobe, or no costs for day or after-school care for your own children. It also gives home-bound parents an interest and a bit of pocket money they earn themselves, which is a great ego boost.

There are other ways to make money online. People with popular blogs can attract advertisers that will pay to post ads on their site. There are companies which pay bloggers to direct traffic their way. People who follow the blog may pay for advice on setting up a blog of their own or on attracting advertisers.

Just because you are not in the public marketplace doesn't mean you can't market your skills or your wares. Many artists and crafters sell through their own websites. Antique dealers have found that online exposure to the world wide web boosts their business. People who sew, knit, or crochet can sell their handiwork and original patterns, do custom work for clients, and even offer classes. People will pay for virtual coaching.

Freelance writing is another thing many people do 'from the privacy of their own home'. There are sites that pay for routine articles and those that solicit high quality work from proven writers. Some of the less demanding work doesn't pay very much, but it's fun for someone who may be missing adult conversation or who likes writing. Heck, it can be used for typing practice.

As in any other line of work, some succeed wildly working from home, while others plod along at whatever level they are happy with. Talent will out, so find something you really want to do and then do it well. It's very satisfying, and making your own money is a great ego boost.

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