Jumat, 31 Agustus 2018

Bacteria Water Testing For Home Use Is Better Than Microbiology LIMS?

By Patricia Reynolds

H2O is life! Your body is made up of it and it is a part of the fruits and vegetables you grow. Not only that, you use it for almost everything in your life. From washing your clothes and household items to using it to prepare food for your family. In some areas according to Microbiology LIMS, it can be contaminated, that is why convenient bacteria water testing is essential. Some people don t have clean water to utilize and that results in many infections and illnesses.

There are many illnesses that come with this kind of infections. Such as the following, Dysentery, Cholera, Salmonella, Typhoid Fever, E. Coli and much more. You can get these through drinking it but it is not the only way. You can also get it in food prepared with it, if you bathe in the water it can also get in your system. You must be alert and avoid anything that has to do with it.

The H2O fresh from the ground is not the problem here, the real issue comes in through the surface. E. Coli also called Escherichia coli is present in sewage and animal waste, found in intestines of human being and animals. Not something that should be taken lightly, it may not affect you right away. However, in time this can turn into a very ugly disease.

Should you suspect that the H20 you currently have access to is no good, you should get it analyzed. The normal thing would be to send a sample to a laboratory certified by the state. This is effective and you will get your results, however it may take a while. Don t underestimate how important acting on your suspicion is. It could save you a lot of health issues and others within your area as well.

Taking a sample and sending it to the lab can take a while. It can also take forever until you hear if the sample has coliforms. In this case, it is better to get yourself a home kit, this way you won t be waiting for anyone you will know right then. The one that is good on the market is Bacteria EZ Cult 24 hour presence/ Absence of total coliforms. This kit will change the color of the water if it detects something bad.

So you may be wondering about how the kit works. The H2O that has coliforms when checked will change color, to blue under the UV light. Upon purchase, you need to buy two separate items, the kit, and the UV light. They do not come packaged together, though their prices are too bad either. The light can go from $20 to $8 depending on where you get it and the kit is about $14.

Floods are never a good thing, whenever there is one you definitely need to check for coliforms in your H2O. If you can not right away, it s best to purchase bottled kind and drink that until you ate certainly and in the clear. You also shouldn t wait too long until you disinfect because the problem will get worse. You must also locate the source of the infection otherwise you will be going around in circles.

Infected H2O is not something to be taken lightly, you survival depends on it. If you are not feeling okay or your streams seems a little strange. Get medical help and have your stream checked and cleared.

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