Jumat, 28 November 2014

The Insider Secrets Of Facebook Revealed

By Isa Musa

For the last few years, Facebook has really taken off in regard to becoming an excellent place to market products and services. It used to be a place where you would simply go to connect with friends and family, but marketers have realized that being able to connect with over 1 billion people all over the world is a literal treasure trove of potential customers that could be interested in what they have to sell.

With only a little research online, a lot of people could make their dream come true, but most are quite happy doing a nine to five job, and prefer to leave it at that.

Then by creating a Facebook "like" campaign, you can start to make posts with links to the products you want to sell, and as people begin to follow your Facebook page, you will have a higher probability of making sales as more people begin to follow you, especially if you are selling Amazon products.

Little Known Strategy For Selling Amazon Products On Facebook -There is one strategy that many people overlook when trying to sell Amazon products on Facebook. You have to realize that Amazon provides a high level of credibility in regard to any product that you have to offer.

If it is listed on Amazon, people automatically trust the product more than they would if it was sold by a vendor that is virtually unknown, regardless of the quality of the product being sold. In order to use this credibility factor to your advantage, you will want to create a designated post talking about or showcasing the product that you would like to sell. You could then send people to a page that you have set up, preferably a website that has a multitude of similar Amazon products available, and also have a squeeze page, something where you can capture the name and email address of the visitor, allowing you to contact them even after they have left your website and Facebook page.

Then, by boosting the post that you have created using Facebook advertising, you will have a steady stream of not only sales for products sold, but subscribers that you can sell to again and again.

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